Tolak Pilkada Akal-Akalan

‘DPR Is Brainless, Students Are Cowards’: Demonstrators’ Outrage Erupts in Bandung

A protester in front of the West Java DPRD Office on Thursday (22/8) showed a captioned poster “The people sue the state” (right side) and “Fight! and take your outrage…

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Kenapa Mahasiswa Harus Peduli Undang-Undang Diusik Lagi

Banner peserta aksi demonstrasi di depan gedung DPR Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Bandung (22/08) (Foto: WARTA KEMA/Shakila Azzahra M) Gejolak aksi demonstrasi tidak terbendung akibat Revisi UU Pilkada yang dilakukan…

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