
Are Masks Still Necessary to Prevent Covid-19 Transmissions?

A woman in a public transportation wearing a mask It has been more than a month since the President of…

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir Datangi Reuni Alumni Unpad

Spanduk acara Silaturahmi dan Halal Bi Halal Alumni Unpad (sumber: Iin Lailatul Ma’rifah) Ikatan Alumni Universitas Padjadjaran (IKA Unpad) menggelar…

Bandung Lautan Amarah: Penolakan Keras Pengesahan RKUHP

Orasi dari para Ketua BEM di depan gedung DPRD Jawa Barat (sumber : Ariana Salsabila H.) Jatinangor, WARTA KEMA– Pada…

UTBK 2022 dan Kegaduhan Joki Ujian

Source : Dok. Humas UI (Detik.com) Pertengahan Mei lalu, Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) 2022 yang merupakan bagian dari rangkaian…

Elon Musk : The New King Of Twitter

Elon Musk at Met Gala (Fortune.com) The ‘blue bird’ social media may have a new overlord watching over it in…

June Photostory: Warta Kema Goes to Erasmus Huis

Halo, sobat Warta! Pada Photostory kali ini, Departemen Fotografi Warta Kema bakal ngajak sobat Warta keliling Erasmus Huis nih. Sebelumnya,…

Worrying State of Our World : 2022 Heat Wave in India and Pakistan

People using umbrellas outside during the heatwave in Kolkata Our Earth is suffering. Two weeks ago the UN’s World Meteorological…

Media Coverage of the Monkeypox Outbreak as a New Wave of Racism

Recently, the outbreak of monkeypox is striking many countries in Europe. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported a cumulative…

Menuju Pekan Melawan #BandungLautanAmarah: Revisi atau Tolak RKUHP!

Aliansi BEM se-Unpad mengawal RKUHP/ sumber: instagram.com/iyang22_ Jatinangor, WARTA KEMA- Senin (27/06), BEM Kema Unpad mengadakan Konsolidasi Terbuka: Menuju Aksi…

Surfing America’s Glamorous History Through the Met Gala 2022: Historical Events Behind White Tie and Gilded Glamour

Blike Lively attends the Met Gala 2022 (source: Los Angeles Times) Met Gala is one of the most well-known fashion…