Social and Politics

Aksi Unpad Bela Palestina: Justice for Palestine! No More Nakba!

Bangsa Palestina sudah merasakan kekejaman penjajahan Israel bertahun-tahun lamanya sampai saat ini dan terdapat peristiwa kelam penindasan Palestina yang disebut dengan Nakba (diperingati setiap tanggal 15 Mei). Oleh karena itu,…

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Crime, Corruption, and Cover Ups: What Investigative Journalism Takes

When detectives conduct investigations, they do it to catch and convict criminals. But detectives are not the only ones who serve to investigate crime. Tintin is a popular fictional depiction…

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Dipayungi Hukum, Pers Mahasiswa Tidak Lagi Tercekik Birokrasi Kampus

Kabar baik untuk pers mahasiswa di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Pada 18 Maret 2024, tepatnya di Jakarta, Dewan Pers menggandeng Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbud Ristek) untuk meneken perjanjian…

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Aksi Hari Buruh di Cikapayang Bandung

Dalam memperingati Hari Buruh Internasional atau May Day, sejumlah buruh, aktivis, dan mahasiswa melakukan aksi di Cikapayang Dago Park, Rabu(1/5/2024). Aksi massa melakukan longmarch dari Monumen Perjuangan ke Jl. Cikapayang,…

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No Women is Welcomed in Indonesian Media

Indonesian media are still evidently treating women like it’s pre-1945. No prosperity, just pure condemnation. As mentioned in a webinar that was held on April 3, 2024, a collaboration between…

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Cianjur Has Not Fully Recovered: The Refugees from Vulnerable Groups Still Fighting for Their Rights

Huntara (temporary shelters) where 24 families live  temporarily in the area of Masjid Al-Firdaus, Cugenang, Cianjur Regency (Photographed by: Fareez Eldacca) JATINANGOR, Warta Kema – It’s been ten months since…

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Langkah Politik Luar Negeri BEM Kema Unpad Menuju Munas ke-XVI BEM SI Kerakyatan

Konsolidasi Terbuka BEM Kema Unpad Menuju Munas BEM SI ke-XVI 2023 yang dipimpin oleh Ketua BEM Kema Unpad M. Haikal Febriansyah, pada (24/5). Foto: Warta Kema/Hanif Musyaffa Jatinangor, WARTA KEMA–…

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Global Action for a Greener Future: How Countries Celebrated World Earth Day 2023?

A beach clean-up movement for the Earth Day 2023 celebration in India (source: Jatinangor, Wartakema – Every year on 22 April, people around the world celebrate World Earth Day…

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Finland joins NATO: a huge blow for Putin’s Russia

  Finnish Soldiers during an exercise. (Source: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP via Getty Images) Jatinangor, Wartakema – On April 4, Finland officially joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as its 31st…

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Indonesia is the 2023 Chair of ASEAN; What Awaits Us?

(Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi gives her remarks in the annual press conference Source: Jakarta Global) Jatinangor, Wartakema – The throne for Southeast Asia’s largest regional organization has once again…

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