Liputan Internasional
Penjelasan halaman sedang dirancang.

Indonesians live in Malaysia: Crisis Identity and Student’s Struggle.
Indonesia and Malaysia, two neighboring countries, have long shared a strong relationship and numerous similarities. Both are integral members of the ASEAN community and collaborate

Inequality of Access as a KNB Scholarship Awardee in Universitas Padjadjaran
Since September, the arrival of Saaed from Pakistan and Max from Sudan has not been a pleasant experience for them to study in Universitas Padjadjaran

Japan’s Smoking Culture Meets Indonesian Campuses: Possible Unpad Policy for Designated Smoking Areas
Smoke Signals: Japan’s Strict Smoking Rules Regulated Areas in Japan for Smoking (Source: Getty Images) Smoking in Japanese public spaces is tightly regulated with designated

67th Dies Natalis Unpad: An Art Market in International Day
An Art Market was held in Lapangan Pusat Pelayanan Basic Science (PPBS) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) as one of the events in celebration of 67th Dies

‘DPR Is Brainless, Students Are Cowards’: Demonstrators’ Outrage Erupts in Bandung
A protest that was conducted by thousands of students and other various elements was held on Thursday (22/8), ahead of the West Java Regional Legislatives

Emergency: Nation’s Struggle for Democracy Under the Ruler’s Feet
The nation’s courage to overthrow the government might have just come back to life from Suharto’s New Order regime. On the morning of Thursday (22/08),
Aksi Unpad Bela Palestina: Justice for Palestine! No More Nakba!
Bangsa Palestina sudah merasakan kekejaman penjajahan Israel bertahun-tahun lamanya sampai saat ini dan terdapat peristiwa kelam penindasan Palestina yang disebut dengan Nakba (diperingati setiap tanggal

Crime, Corruption, and Cover Ups: What Investigative Journalism Takes
When detectives conduct investigations, they do it to catch and convict criminals. But detectives are not the only ones who serve to investigate crime.
Dipayungi Hukum, Pers Mahasiswa Tidak Lagi Tercekik Birokrasi Kampus
Kabar baik untuk pers mahasiswa di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Pada 18 Maret 2024, tepatnya di Jakarta, Dewan Pers menggandeng Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
Aksi Hari Buruh di Cikapayang Bandung
Dalam memperingati Hari Buruh Internasional atau May Day, sejumlah buruh, aktivis, dan mahasiswa melakukan aksi di Cikapayang Dago Park, Rabu(1/5/2024).