Crime, Corruption, and Cover Ups: What Investigative Journalism Takes

When detectives conduct investigations, they do it to catch and convict criminals. But detectives are not the only ones who serve to investigate crime. Tintin is a popular fictional depiction…

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Aksi Hari Buruh di Cikapayang Bandung

Dalam memperingati Hari Buruh Internasional atau May Day, sejumlah buruh, aktivis, dan mahasiswa melakukan aksi di Cikapayang Dago Park, Rabu(1/5/2024). Aksi massa melakukan longmarch dari Monumen Perjuangan ke Jl. Cikapayang,…

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Langkah Politik Luar Negeri BEM Kema Unpad Menuju Munas ke-XVI BEM SI Kerakyatan

Konsolidasi Terbuka BEM Kema Unpad Menuju Munas BEM SI ke-XVI 2023 yang dipimpin oleh Ketua BEM Kema Unpad M. Haikal Febriansyah, pada (24/5). Foto: Warta Kema/Hanif Musyaffa Jatinangor, WARTA KEMA–…

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Finland joins NATO: a huge blow for Putin’s Russia

  Finnish Soldiers during an exercise. (Source: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP via Getty Images) Jatinangor, Wartakema – On April 4, Finland officially joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as its 31st…

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Indonesia is the 2023 Chair of ASEAN; What Awaits Us?

(Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi gives her remarks in the annual press conference Source: Jakarta Global) Jatinangor, Wartakema – The throne for Southeast Asia’s largest regional organization has once again…

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Mahasiswa, Buruh, dan Petani Tolak UU Ciptaker Lagi?

(Massa aksi melakukan long march dari Monumen Perjuangan menuju depan Kantor DPRD Jawa Barat, Sumber: Kharina Putri)  JATINANGOR, WARTA KEMA- Ratusan mahasiswa dan buruh yang tergabung dalam Gerakan Bersama Rakyat…

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FIFA’s cancellation of Indonesia for the U-20 World Cup: Who’s to Blame, Who’s the Victim?

Hokky Caraka expressing his disappointment through an Instagram post (Source: Instagram @hokkycaraka_) FIFA announced the cancellation of Indonesia as the host for the 23rd U-20 World Cup on March 29th…

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