The Asian–African Conference Museum: Collecting Histories in The World Peace Diplomacy Exhibition Bandung 2023

The Asian–African Conference Museum


The Asian–African Conference Museum

Attenders are listening to an explanation about some of the exhibited infographics (Photographed by: Jeania Ananda M.)

JATINANGOR, Warta Kema – The Directorate General of Information and Public Diplomacy Museum of the Asian-African Conference hold an opening exhibition at the main hall of Merdeka Building on Saturday (11/3),  Jalan Asia-Afrika No. 65 Bandung to commemorate the the 68th Anniversary of the KAA (Konferensi Asia-Afrika)  and 43 Years of the KAA Museum in Independence Building.

In her statement, Dahlia Kusuma Dewi, Director of Public Diplomacy Head of UPT Museum KAA, stated that this event aimed to build more spirits for Bandung society to maintain Merdeka Building as a historical asset and tourism.

“This isn’t something that just came out of nowhere. We’ve been planning and preparing this idea since last year. We are excited to hold this exhibition, hoping that the history of Merdeka Building will be commemorated by visitors when they come into this building,” said Dahlia.

For the exhibition itself, Dahlia said, it took around 2 to 3 weeks to physically prepare the materials and also printing photos. Dahlia also affirmed that this exhibition is open for everyone, especially in Bandung, as a form of preserving this building as a cultural heritage. Dahlia believes that people are more excited to visit this museum after the COVID-19 pandemic got a lot better.

“We received good response from the community about this museum. The enthusiasm is high, making us as the managers more thrilled to innovate new things that can boost the tourism sector,” Dahlia said.

“History isn’t something that we can leave behind. This museum needs to contain something that is able to inspire the present. We also have a passion to make this museum as Indonesian Diplomacy Assets,” Dahlia continued.

Seeing the excitement of opening the exhibition, Dahlia motivates the millennials to learn more from the history of this place while the existence of technology has been modernized today.  This exhibition will be held for 9 days, from 11 to 19 March 2023. Everybody who currently lives  in Bandung can come without an entrance fee.


Reporter: Jacky Nevo, Jeania Ananda

Writer: Zulfa Salman, Stephanie Jasinda

Editor: Rifia Azka

Photographer: Jeania Ananda

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